Newburyport’s Mental Health Task Force is tasked with increasing support to community members of all ages around mental health. Comprised of members of city hall staff and the community, partners come together monthly who are all working hard to serve the mental health needs of the community. Partners include the Mayor’s Office, Recreation and Youth Services, Link House, Pettengill House, Beth Israel Lahey Health, Anna Jaques Hospital, local social workers and counselors, the Newburyport Police, the Council on Aging, youth and community volunteers.
In it’s first year the task force conducted a mental health community needs assessment. This included looking at previously collected data through Essex County Outreach and Anna Jaques Hospital, as well as conducting focus groups with populations whose voice may have been historically excluded or who were less likely to participate in an online survey. These focus groups included school counseling staff, parents of youth struggling with mental health, the Portuguese speaking population, adults who identify as LGBTQ+, the low-income population and adults who were struggling with mental health and substance use disorders. Challenges that arose included finding appropriate care, lack of knowledge of how to navigate the system, lack of providers who share characteristics with those seeking care (ie. Portuguese speaking), barriers like transportation, un or underinsurance, and the stigma that prevents folks from seeking care.
This assessment identified three areas of need.
- Education around mental health to inform and also reduce stigma
- Access to services and supports in navigating the existing systems
- Systems change in creating more spaces and access points for care
The task force has been meeting in each action area to identify next steps and a proposal is being written to present to the Mayor.