Positive Youth Development in Action


Annual Youth Retreat

This February the ECAB Network hosted our Annual Youth Retreat where over 50 youth from Amesbury, Georgetown, Newbury, Newburyport, Rowley and Salisbury came together to learn how they can make a positive impact in their communities. The retreat began with a...

Amesbury PACT Participates in Red Ribbon Week

The Red Ribbon Campaign, promotes a drug-free lifestyle, celebrated annually from October 23-31, 2024. Nation wide, over 80 million participants demonstrate their commitment to this cause. In Amesbury, community members were encouraged to take the pledge, fostering...

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PACT Coordinator Kelly McKora recently took Salisbury Youth Coalition Director Jenn Roketenetz and local students to Chicago for a week of leadership training in youth substance prevention. Read more about their trip HERE!

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Salisbury Parks Recreation & Youth Empowerment Webpage

Salisbury's webpage has so many resources available for those in need. One can find mental health resources, family support, substance use and recovery services, housing services, domestic violence resources, youth empowerment, food resources and fuel-heat assistance.

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Fall Youth Retreat

A group of young people from Amesbury, Georgetown, Newbury, Rowley, Salisbury and Newbury gathered at La Vida at Endicott College to participate in the 2024 Fall Youth Retreat. They were given opportunities to meet youth from other schools, share ideas, build...

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Leader’s Breakfast

On October 18, 2024, a dynamic and impactful Essex County Asset Builder Network (ECAB) Leader's Breakfast was held in Salisbury, MA. The ECAB Network is a regional partnership of youth, community partners from Amesbury, Georgetown, Newbury, Rowley, Salisbury and...

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Who doesn't love a good podcast that gets you thinking differently about something important? Here are a list of our favorite that help support parents, youth, and families. https://luxerecess.com/flusterclux/achievement-culture/ Motherhood in Black and White podcast...

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About Us The Essex County Asset Builder (ECAB) Network creates regional connections and supports for individuals, families and organizations from Amesbury, Georgetown, Newbury, Rowley, Salisbury and Newburyport, in using a positive youth development approach to help youth thrive. Positive Youth Development Being a part of the ECAB Network brings local and regional opportunities.  Locally, communities have access to trainings, data, and best practices, and receive guidance on implementation and outreach strategies that build positive youth development possibilities.  Communities also get the benefit of regionalizing efforts, where networking, combining resources, current policies, and a shared vision strengthen the towns and cities as well as the region. History Recently, the communities of Amesbury, Georgetown, Newbury, Rowley, Salisbury and Newburyport came together to form the Essex County Asset Builder Network.  Funded by a three year grant, the goal of this Network is to create a common language of asset- based youth development (creating protective factors). It has been shown that youth who have more assets are less likely to engage in risky behaviors.  This grant will use the 40 Developmental Assets framework to build these protective factors and reduce risk behaviors by focusing on both the youth and the environment that shapes them. The community partnership will enhance the great work already being done to support youth and families, as well as expand community supports, opportunities, and resources. Additionally, the grant will collect and disseminate regional data, coordinate shared resources and bring educational opportunities for various sectors of the community. Goal To spread the philosophy and practice of the positive youth development approach through implementation of 40 Developmental Asset framework within communities across the region. We will accomplish this goal by: Mission To use a positive youth development approach to build networks within each community and across the region that help decrease risk behaviors in youth and produce a healthier community. Vision A network of communities that welcome, value and empower youth through meaningful opportunities and collaborative efforts to support and strengthen youth assets and increase healthy decision making.